I just wanted to drop an email to you to say how fantastic I think your chocolates are! A friend gave me some samples when she found out that I can not eat gluten, dairy or sugar. I have been a vegetarian and healthy eater all my life but had pretty much resigned to a life of no tasty chocolates (even though I am a bit of a chocoholic) when I discovered your food. I had the handmade truffles and they blew me away! I can't believe how good they taste! Keep up the good work making such fantastic products. I will be sure to tell everyone I know about them, and keep buying them myself.
I also wanted to add that I work as a freelance illustrator, and if you ever wanted any design illustrations/leaflets/promotion images I would be delighted to do these for you free of charge as I think your products are so brilliant! All my work is produced by hand, and I usually work in black pen ink. Here is a link to my illustration site should you be curious...
All the best,