Sorry to bother you but-
A little market research is in order. Im working on re-branding and need to prepare a press release. If you could email me some answers to the following questions- You could win some festive goodies! I will pick a winner at random-so be sure to put your details in the message!
1. How would you describe what I (Laura Coxeter) do?
2.How would you describe Coxeter's Fayre, in terms of -Confectionery/Raw/health brand/luxury brand?
3.What is important to you when you are choosing a gift- eg. Price/packaging?
4.Does colourful packaging draw you in or do you prefer simple/minimal design?
5. Do you like to see the actual product-Cellophane/clear windows/wrapping?
6. Does the fact that my product is free from pesticides/chemicals ,g.m.o's matter to you? Scale of 1-5(1 being least)
7.Are you prepared to pay more for luxury packaging? Even if it is for yourself and not a gift?
8.Would you buy one of my chocolates as a gift or generally as a chocolate "snack' instead of an unhealthy chocolate choice?
9.Is biodegradable/recycled packaging important to you?
10. Are you prepared to pay more for health-boosting superfood ingredients?
11. Is the above important to you?
12.Please tell me your top 3 favourite chocolates
13. Please tell me your top 3 favourite packaging designs.
14. Are you put off by too much information on packaging?