Monday, 28 November 2011

Wow! What a response!

Wow! What a response! Im overwhelmed. I admit it was strange watching myself on T.V. I think everybody involved should be proud! It was such a fantastic experience. It seems Chris and I have inspired many viewers! I guess that is all we could ever wish for- to spread the word about nutritious gourmet food!

A few emails that I received today:

Dear Laura,
I saw your wonderful food on Hugh's programme last night, what an inspiration you are. I have already downloaded recipe for chocolate tart. I've only just found out I'm allegic to Gluten and Dairy ( and who knows what else I might be allergic to - now I've started to look!). So I was wondering if you have ANY of your lovely products available to purchase. If so could you please send me a list. Also, I note you don't use Soya and as I have been advised to use this instead of cow's milk, I wondered if you knew of a better alternative? I'm sure you're going to be madly busy after inspiring us all last night, so don't expect to hear from you for a while, but if I could buy any treats in time for Christmas that would be fantastic. I can't really thank you enough for changing the way I think about food. Overnight, I've gone from feeling incredibly negative about food thinking I might never enjoy it again to feeling that being allergic to so many things might just be the best thing that has happened to me. I can't wait to start eating food that is going to be good for me.
Kind Regards

Awesome Laura!
Please either marry me, go into business with me, cook for me, or tell me where I can buy!


Hello Laura,
Thank you for your appearance on 'River Cottage'. I was most impressed by the raw food you and Chris prepared in the show. I have always enjoyed eating raw food but Chris's food was a new dimension. Hopefully a cook book is being worked on.
I have found your website with your wonderful puddings.
I am interested in doing a work shop can you send me details please?
Is the old church your restaurant, where is it and is it open to the public ?
Thank you

Hi All
Hope you don't mind me emailing, just a quickie to say I'm not even vegetarian (anymore) but your food was inspirational on 'The Hugh Show'. Have you a book out? You should have a book out.


  1. i'm so blummin proud of you!!!

  2. I've personally being preparing myself to go raw having already gone vegan few years back, but was so far uninspired by going raw other than the obvious weight loss. Seeing you both at work on Hugh's show was the final push I needed to get inspired about food again. So thank you :)
