Thursday, 27 October 2011

Coconut Sugar!

From now on, I will no longer be using Agave in my chocolates. I am now using Coconut sugar. I am a total convert to this ingredient. It is far superior nutritionally, as well as having a much richer, more complex flavour.

Check it out for yourself! It is very low GI and is also very Mineral rich.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Samosa time! With Chris!

Last night, Chris made samosas! We were re-creating this dish, in order to photograph it for the Chanel 4 website, where this, along with all the other featured dishes in the series, will be posted. (including my chocolate ganache tart)!

I thought I would share these photos, as they are mouth- watering and inspiring!


I have also been busy with lots of chocolate workshops lately. They are VERY KID FRIENDLY, as you can see from the photos!
If you are interested in me coming to your home/school/local cafe/health food shop- Wherever there is a table, plug point, sink and a group of keen, chocolate -loving folk! Get in touch!
Coxeter's Fayre goes to River Cottage!

Dear friends,

Im sorry. My blogs have been a bit..absent. I guess I have just been busy....! But that is a good thing, isn't it?!

Exciting things have been happening. I have been involved in the latest series of River cottage! Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall has gone VEGETARIAN for his latest series. He wanted to explore all things Veggie & I was contacted by his producer several months ago, to discuss ideas for an episode on raw food.
I decided on the idea of a Raw Vegan supper club, with the help of my friend Chris, who is a talented Vegan chef. We invited Hugh along, to help us in the kitchen, then he joined the other diners, for what I believe to be his first ever Raw vegan dining experience! You can catch all of this on Chanel 4. I THINK it is on air on the 27th November or 4th December.

A couple of weeks later, Chris and I were invited down to River Cottage HQ for a big feast, made for us by Hugh and his team of talented Chefs. It was for all the participants of the series, as a kind of summary of his last 6 months, being a vegetarian. Im so proud of what Chris and I achieved. I hope we managed to inspire Hugh, showing him what is possible with a plant based diet. I was certainly inspired by my visit to River cottage, as you can see from the snaps I took, whilst down there.

All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable experience. I wont say too much more- You will have to watch it!